GreySlide Imager
Our GreySlide Imager (GSI) is designed to perform virtual microscopy- a process of digitizing glass slides to high resolution images and using specialized software to analyze these images. The Grey Slide Imager is an automated microscope controllable remotely via computer interfaces with highly specialized cameras, motorized slide motion control, advanced optics and optical sensors.

GreySlide Solution
Automated Scanner for Slide Digitilization
AI Driven Diagnostic Software
Telepathy as a Service Application
End to End Digital Workflow Platform
Components of Grey Slide Imager
The GreySlide Imager in principle has the following three major components that help us unlock high accuracy, reliability and utility value for our partners and customers.
Our proprietary slide scanner instrument designed for pathologists
Image viewing interface for case processing and analysis
Cloud Services
High Performance Computing Engine running crowd sourced algorithm on data

Superior results in diagnosis, education and research enabled via our proprietary technology

Superior results in diagnosis, education and research enabled via our proprietary technology
Remote control and usage supported by an internationally connected network of pathologists
Geographic Flexibility

Geographic Flexibility
Remote control and usage supported by an internationally connected network of pathologists

Increased Speed of Analysis
Analysis time reduced by 90%, with15% gain in accuracy
Leaner Administrative Processes
Customized workflows yielding a 20% efficiency boost
Lower System Costs
Hardware priced at 50% of closest competitor
Accelerated Patient Outcomes
80% reduction in overall cycle time, with elimination of slide shipping for second opinions